Harbour Grill
位於海逸酒店的歐陸式扒房,擁有維港海景,寧靜舒適的環境,品嘗精緻的菜式,實可以另你暫時放鬆一下!情侶更加適合,飯後還可慢步海旁,到海逸豪園那邊,卿卿我我! 當我想食一頓好味,有水準的西餐,我一定想起Harbour Grill,它不會另我失望。
Dinner: Around HK$500 per person, depend on your menu. To book a window table and for reservations, please call restaurant manager, Mr. Ricky Kwok (Tel: 2996 8433)
Dinner: Around HK$500 per person, depend on your menu. To book a window table and for reservations, please call restaurant manager, Mr. Ricky Kwok (Tel: 2996 8433)

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